asa comes in two different license packages, ERP and PRO (extended version). Please see below an overview of the features available. Both are available as single-user or network license for up to 10 concurrent users.
Features / Version |
EEG viewer |
2D views |
Signal processing |
Mapping |
Spectral analysis |
Experiment manager |
Head modelling |
MRI support |
Source reconstruction |
Spike and seizure detection |
Included in both license packages - ERP & PRO
- Versatile and highly interactive 3D mapping of EEG and MEG (MEG only available in PRO) in time and frequency domain, completely synchronized with data, scalable, zoomable. Color tables, display mode and transparency can be changed freely. Interpolation over a time window (smoothing), simultaneous display of different data or time steps or frequency bands.
- EEG and MEG (MEG only available in PRO) import of all major formats as supplied by the manufacturer. Review capabilities, free adjustment of sensitivity, color, filters per channel or group of channels for each modality. Paging, scrolling, automatic paging, navigation to event markers, different editable montages, compressed display of long recordings. Video review.
- 3D EEG/FFT mapping can be completely synchronized with EEG and event table.
- asa fully supports the annotations, triggers, spike/seizure events and others, navigation through events, export of event information and data around events.
- Extended package of asa allows the user to import MRI and fMRI data (DICOM 3, Analyze, ASA) and review it with free rotation and navigation of the 3D image data. This allows the user to see results in overlay with maps/cortical maps/LORETA. ASA facilitates highly interactive display with zoom and mouse-rotate functions.
- Automation is done through scripting (VB, VBA, Javascript, Matlab, COM support).
EEG/ERP Signal Conditioning
Included in both license packages - ERP & PRO
- Filtering, artefact detection and correction methods, baseline correction, detrending, data template subtraction for correction of repetitive artefacts, averaging and grand averaging. Complete set of tools needed for signal processing is available in asa.
- FFT/Coherence/Wavelet transform on continuous and event-related data, hilbert transform, ERD/ERS on scalp EEG, MEG, and cortical current densities,mapping tools for these.
- Resampling, concatenation and other data handling methods.
- Group analysis (batch) and statistics with the experiment manager can be used also for non-asa file formats (e.g.Brainvision .eeg).
- Export of data into a variety of public and proprietary formats, for example ASCII and EDF.
- Through scripting interfaces asa facilitates direct interaction and data exchange with Matlab, MS-Excel and other applications.
- New PCA based artefact correction allows adjustment of various artefact types such as EOG, ECG, TMS and other.
Time-frequency Analysis
Included in both license packages - ERP & PRO
- Time-frequency analysis module allows you to perform wavelet transformations based on continuous and averaged EEG and MEG data. Wavelets averaging based on different conditions is available as well and offers powerful means of display non-phased locked activity.
- Event related/EEG wavelet analysis and wavelet mapping.
- asa includes a powerful tool named Inter trial phase coherence (ITPC), also referred to as inter trial phase locking, which enables you to distinguish evoked brain responses from induced brain responses.
- With asa you are able to calculate coherence between a single channel (e.g. EMG) and all other channels (e.g. EEG) with single-channel coherence, and display the result in a 3D map.
- 3D FFT mapping and spectral analysis are entirely adjustable to specific requirements, including comparison or groups vs. single subject spectra.
- Coherence mapping and phase analysis are based on FFT ad Wavelets, with display of amplitude and phase coherence in adjustable frequency bands by means of arrow plots.
Advanced Signal Conditioning
Included in both license packages - ERP & PRO
- asa allows TMS artefact correction for mono- and biphasic magnetic pulses.
- Group analysis (batch) and statistics with the experiment manager is possible also for non-asa file formats (e.g. Brainvision .eeg).
Source Reconstruction
Included in extended license package only - PRO
- All methods apply the boundary element method and individually shaped realistic head models. Models are created in asa from the 3D MR or CT images of the subject. Alternatively, a variety of different standard head models is supplied with the ASA installation.
- Multiple spatio-temporal dipole models for EEG/MEG.
- ERD/ERS and cortical ERD/ERS.
- MUSIC (multiple signal classification).
- LORETA (low resolution tomographic analysis) on regular and cortical source space.
- Cortical imaging (cortical current density mapping).
- Standardized MRI, head models and electrode configurations for all methods, EEG and MEG.
- Talairach coordinate system and transformations for source localization results and image data (MRI/CT).
MRI and Head Modeling
Included in extended license package only - PRO
- Automatic segmentation of MRI / CT data.
- Navigation through slices and visualization of 3D models has never worked so smoothly! MRI images with inverse can be fused with fMRI, CT and SPECT images.
- Generation of realistically shaped head models based on Boundary Element Method (BEM).
- Standardized MRI, head models and electrode configurations for all methods, EEG and MEG.
- MNI and Collins brain supplied with MRI, head model and (Talairach) electrode positions.
- Transformation to Talairach system.
Integration with Third-Party Programs
Included in both license packages - ERP & PRO
- Offline automated interaction with programs such as Matlab and other advanced analysis packages.
- Library of Matlab functions for data import / export.
- COM interface for advanced scripting.