Why Choose eego 24

24 Shielded EEG Channels
Active shielding ensures high signal quality, reducing environmental interference during physical activity
Operates entirely via USB from the recording device, with no internal battery required
Compact and Lightweight
Ideal for mobile and field research, with IP22 protection for use in unpredictable environments
High Signal Quality
24-bit resolution and up to 4 kHz sampling rate provide superior temporal resolution
Cap Compatibility
Fully compatible with waveguard™ net, as well as gel-based and dry electrode caps for quick setup
Additional Bipolar Inputs
4 bipolar channels, 2 TTL inputs, and 1 TTL output for third-party trigger integration
Real-Time Data Access
Complimentary SDK for integration with BCI, neurofeedback, and custom applications
User-Friendly Software
Supported by the eego™ recording software package, including LSL streaming, remote control, and event recording

Enhanced Features